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Knowing where your contacts are in the buying process allows you to tailor content that steers them towards conversion. By providing the right information at the right time, you can establish long-term relationships that generate repeat business.

Typical B2B Lifecycle Model

Throughout my career, I have architected lifecycle models in Marketo, Salesforce, and HubSpot. In my experience, this is the general criteria and formula to help you quickly identify where prospects are dropping out of the sales funnel:

Contacts never move backwards through stages.

Contacts never move backwards through stages.

Stage Criteria
Lead Email Identified
MQL Ideal company/customer profile + relevant marketing trigger
SQL Declared intent signal (demo request, contact us, pricing inquiry)
SQO Deal created, contact in discussion with sales
MRL First deal is closed/lost or on hold
Customer First deal is closed/won
Evangelist Custom criteria based on your business
Lapsed Customer Did not renew contract, no longer a customer
Disqualified Does not meet any criteria, do not contact


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Lifecycle in action